Security for Expenses

Third Surveyor

The third surveyor is either an agreed surveyor or one appointed by the other two, who can decide disputes that arise in Party Wall matters.
Third Surveyor

Definition in s10 of the Party Wall Act

(10)The agreed surveyor or as the case may be the three surveyors or any two of them shall settle by award any matter—
(a)which is connected with any work to which this Act relates, and
(b)which is in dispute between the building owner and the adjoining owner.
(11)Either of the parties or either of the surveyors appointed by the parties may call upon the third surveyor selected in pursuance of this section to determine the disputed matters and he shall make the necessary award.
(12)An award may determine—
(a)the right to execute any work;
(b)the time and manner of executing any work; and
(c)any other matter arising out of or incidental to the dispute including the costs of making the award;
but any period appointed by the award for executing any work shall not unless otherwise agreed between the building owner and the adjoining owner begin to run until after the expiration of the period prescribed by this Act for service of the notice in respect of which the dispute arises or is deemed to have arisen.

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